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Local and global environmental projects

TRANSDEC work with Ecologi to ensure that all our carbon emissions are offset. This also involves investment in UK and global carbon reduction projects including new wind farms, hydro electric, and solar power projects.


Ecologi also plant trees on behalf of Workhorse Group in Scotland and many other countries around the world.

TRANSDEC's environmental activities are not simply for the short-term, and we look forward to sharing with you our longer-term plans for 2025, 2031 and 2036 which will be TRANSDEC's 50th Anniversary year.

Reforestation projects in Scotland, with the Future Forest Company


The Future Forest Company (FFC) restore land with a combination of reforestation, natural regeneration, and regenerative agriculture practices. Co-deploying reforestation with two further technologies, biochar and enhanced weathering, the FFC team aim to further increase the amount of carbon stored by the restored land.

The Future Forest Company (FFC) restore land with a combination of reforestation, natural regeneration, and regenerative agriculture

Like many regions across the globe, British wildlife is deeply reliant on forest cover, and sadly wildlife in the UK is currently in decline due to deforestation and the collapse of ecosystems. But through carefully managed restoration projects, we have the opportunity to create a thriving home for British wildlife.


Also, by operating a range of sustainable businesses from the forests including birch syrup, high-welfare pork, smoking wood products, the Future Forest Company can provide opportunities in rural communities where there were few before.

The land where our trees are planted has a rich history behind it and is supported by Scottish Natural Heritage, and the sites are carefully monitored and audited to ensure the best quality forestry techniques, and the best chance of the ecosystems thriving.

First ever wind project in Honduras

This project, consisting of 51 2MW wind turbines, generating 345,970MWh of energy every year, which will be put into the National Interconnected System of Honduras.


Honduras aims to be producing 60% of its energy from renewable sources by 2022, and this project is playing an important role in reaching that goal.

The project is preventing the emission of 226,978 tonnes of CO2e every year it is operational by replacing energy in the national grid generated from burning fossil fuels with energy from wind power. 

In addition, 57,000 trees have been planted over 34 acres around the project site, including 10,000 Quercus purulhana which is a species of oak that is native to Central America, and is classified as vulnerable by the The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

During the construction of the project, almost 500 local people were employed, and now 32 local people are employed full time by the project, providing a stable income for the employees and their families.

Preserving Amazonian rainforest in Brazil

Tropical rainforests, such as those found in the Amazon basin, have long been referred to as “the lungs of the world”. Around a third of the world’s primary tropical rainforest (490 million hectares) is situated in Brazil, and around 80% of this tropical rainforest is situated in the Brazilian part of the Amazon basin.

The objective of this Brazilian Amazon REDD project is to avoid emissions from planned deforestation on a property in Para State, in the Eastern Amazon of Brazil. The property includes five forest areas: Rio Capim, Poty, Cauaxi, Sumal and Caculé, totaling over 200,000 hectares.


This project will preserve 27,434.9 hectares of native forest within the site, which had previously been designated for deforestation in order to clear the land for livestock pasture.

Instead of being deforested this area of rainforest will be conserved. Limited forest management activities will be undertaken within the area under Forest Stewardship Council® Certification.

It is estimated that the project activity will avoid over 9.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions over 10 years – which would have been emitted in the absence of the project.

Generating clean electricity from hydropower in India


This hydropower project is located in the lesser Himalayas, in the state of Himachal Pradesh in northern India. Water in the form of snow-melt and rain, as well as water from nearby springs, feed the catchment area. This is a Run-of-River scheme, with 2 turbines placed in the river that are rotated by the flowing river water.


The river in question, Allain Nala, actually powers a separate, bigger hydropower project further upstream, and the tail race water (the water that comes out of that bigger power plant) is what powers this hydropower project.

2 turbines, each producing 2.4MW of energy will be rotated by the running water, generating 20,967MWh of electricity per year. The project will bring both skilled and unskilled jobs to the local area too, employing 13 local people and training 1 more.

This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing electricity in the grid that would have been produced by burning fossil fuels. Every year, 17,614 tCO2e will be prevented from being emitted by this hydropower plant.

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